It's the 10th of January. That's how long it took to set the stage for a productive new year. It's easy to set some intentions and imagine a brand-new start. However, without some serious mulling and planning, those intentions will fade and fall by the wayside as you tackle your daily tasks. I knew I'd need to prepare my environment to support my intentions of 1) revising a novel in a number of months, and 2) developing a new writing workshop.
These are the steps I've taken:
1) I cleared out clutter.
I relaxed and looked around my office to determine what I really needed to keep and what could go. There were some things that could stay but be stored out of sight. In two days, I totally minimized distractions from my workspace.
2) I replaced some items.
Having space around me clears my mind. Somehow, I'd wound up with a huge lounger and an enormous worktable. I found two small desks to replace the large one, and suddenly my workspace is more efficient. It now only holds my laptop, a notebook, and a cup of tea. Just what I need to focus. And there's floor space to get down and do yoga if I want.
3) I set new priorities and devised a simple workplan.
Nothing poisons progress quicker than thinking we can do everything. There are limited supplies of time and energy. I decided what I'll work on/accomplish two to six months out. That sets boundaries for the other things I can take on--whether professionally or socially. By being realistic about what I can actually do, I won't burn myself out then wind up on the sofa doing nothing.
Let me know how you're preparing for peace and productivity in the new year?